Smell This

Fragrances, flavours, smell, sight and hearing have one thing in common, sound.

It is vibration that determines the sense of smell and the common factor here as discovered by Luca Turin. See ‘Now Smell This’ or use Microsoft’s BING search engine to search Luca Turin and Neuropersona.

Sound can be processed much faster and doesn’t rely on ‘line of sight’.

Indeed that is why the television experience is significantly different if it watched with or without sound.

Add sound to your presentations and websites to see the impact and you might find that combined with words it may be able to imitate taste.

After all advertisers that deliver perfume sniff samples do it because it works.

Sight goes so far, smell further and sound bridges both.


Study of ancient primate brain indicates it relied on smell more than sight

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Software and Idea Sink World Economy

A view on how software “from Rand” and an idea “from a professor” sunk the world’s financial economy.

Is it true? You decide.



Success by Empathy vs Sympathy

Are you a Sales or Marketing professional that uses or abuses customer sympathy?

One of the most harmful myths out there is the notion that you have to sympathize with a customer and this becomes clear when you switch from sympathy to empathy.   Empathy allows you to understand how the customer views the world and measures so that you can align your perspective to theirs.  Alignment allows you to select the best value proposition available and present it to your customer.

Sympathy on the other hand typically motivates someone to give whatever they feel will help the person, quickly and at the lowest price possible.  This is not good for the customer or the sales person as even if you gave them free product they would not be able to use it as it is mis-matched with their need.

Empanthy is not cold but rather humane and sympathy has to be tempered with a desire to help, empathy.

